15.02.10 TO 19.02.10
Monday, 15.02.10
Who created YOU?
Sh. Hamza Tzortzis (IERA London)
Arts Tower LT6
Tuesday, 16.02.10
Why Does Allah Permit Suffering?
Sh. Abdur Raheem (Green Peace TV, IERA) Medical School LT1, Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Thursday, 18.02.10
Jesus was a Muslim
Sh. Hussein Ye (Peace TV, Malaysia) Medical School, LT1, Royal Hallamshire Hospital
All talks are from 6.30 pm to 8.oo pm
They also have Bedouin Tent and exhibition at the Source Student Union..Literature stalls are available around the university..
For more info, go to Islam.circle@sheffield.ac.uk
Sisters can call 07 595485000 for any enquiries.